Zwick TRI-BLOCK double block and bleed valves offer double isolation and a whole lot more
The consensus in the oil and nuclear industries is that single isolation of process media in pipelines just isn’t enough. Not when major oil spills and nuclear disasters are a daily threat. This is where Zwick’s TRI-BLOCK series of double block and bleed butterfly valves come into their own.
Zwick’s state-of-the-art valves are specially designed for critical services requiring shut off and control valves. Initially designed as steam shut-off valves, they are suitable up to temperatures of 815°C and are an ideal replacement for gate, globe and ball valves where cost and space saving is necessary. BM Engineering Supplies is a UK distributor of Zwick’s TRI-BLOCK series of Bleed Design valves.
What is double isolation?
Double isolation essentially means that if one valve fails the other valve can act as a back-up. This prevents process media from moving through the process line. A bleed valve can also be opened to demonstrate the integrity of the isolation. In other words, should the main valve or valves be passing there will be a leakage through the bleed.
Double isolation can come in the form of two single gate valves. Or it can come in the form of double block and bleed valves, incorporating ball valves, valves or butterfly valves. The double block and bleed design of Zwick’s TRI-BLOCK series features every technical advantage of its TRI-CON series, with the added benefit of true double block and bleed capabilities that deliver zero leakage.
By using this design, the former two valve system with a spool piece becomes obsolete. This is not only important for installation, since you only have to install one valve body in the pipeline, but also only one actuator or gearbox is required. Zwick’s unique design of the linkage between the two shafts makes it possible to actuate both shafts with only one actuator, and reach zero leakage with the two available sealing surfaces.
Double isolation even in extreme conditions
The redundant zero leakage performance of Zwick’s TRI-BLOCK valve make it the ideal solution for several critical processes, where absolute zero leakage and pipe inspection via the bleed port are required. Applications like multi-product manifolds, meter stations, tank storage isolation or hydrant isolation are very sensitive to leakage, making the Double Block and Bleed design an ideal fit. This patented design enables use with only one transmission unit but still delivers zero leakage.
Reduced weight, reduced space and reduced cost
Butterfly Valves offer an inherent reduction in materials and weight compared to Ball, Gate and Globe Valves. This generally makes the Butterfly Valves a cheaper option. The design means less weight, less space requirements and less cost. With the face-to-face dimensions equivalent to a standard gate valve, pipework modifications are kept to a minimum. This offers significant time and cost savings during installation.
Outstanding technical support
Zwick are able to offer outstanding technical support and service to meet your every valve requirement. Their quick delivery, competitive pricing, full customer service and high quality products make their offer an extremely proposition. Zwick do their utmost to satisfy your requests and their continuous research and development means that they can be “your partner now and for the future.”
Speak to one of BME’s knowledgeable advisers about our full range of ZWICK valves today by calling 0141 762 0657 or email For more information please visit